
Import Consulting

When you create a Japanese garden, the first thing you should do is to find materials and plants which are locally available. One of the most important things in Japanese gardening is to feel the connection with the land where the garden is situated.

However, there are certain key items which you wish to import from Japan – notably symbolic items such as tsukubais (water basins) and toros (lanterns).

You might find many tsukubais and toros available even in Europe or North America. However, those are often industrially manufactured outside Japan, and they are more like industrial products rather than hand-made authentic, vintage items.

There are two types for authentic Japanese garden items:

          1. Vintage items
            These were created years ago. Some were created over 100 years ago, but others were over 1000 years. These items have been the most sought-after and they are often more pricy than newly created ones.

          2. Newly created items by experienced masters in Japan

            We have access to a network of masters (shokunins) who create a variety of tsukubis, toros, bumboo items, etc.
            These are all hand-made with an authentic, traditional method, but in terms of the style and the design, there is more freedom, and they can be innovative and the exact style which you are looking for.


We help you to choose and import some special, authentic tsukubais, toros and other Japanese garden items. We are a team of professionals with a wide network around Japan, and you can find special tsukubais, toros, and any other objects which can give a unique, special accent to your garden.

*Please note that the minimum amount of purchase for the import from Japan by using our consulting services is 10,000 EUR (about 11,000 USD) This doesn’t include applicable import tax, shipping cost, and insurance.